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12.50 and wide awake

wednesday night and I m wide awake which makes a change from being totally shattered
but wish I was shattered or could switch the thinking buton off to get some shut eye tonight

Been a busy week already, trip to the UCLH on monday, small enlarged lypmphnode under the armpit, the short version of the story is that maybe its a infection , anitbiotics prescribed and will have to wait for the scan. or maybe is something nasty, knowing my luck the last of the two.

PET scan is booked for monday,I m nervous as this is what we have been waiting for! the big scan, to tell us what the last 56 days have been for, the upset, pain, good and bad times, the worry for mum and dad, the worry for hubby and Mandy and everyone that has sent the lovely messages, cards, presents, texts and calls

heres hoping its good news, that Lenny ( unlike most men) listened, gahtered his stuff and moved on to lymphoma retirement home, for unwanted, unloved tumours, where he can put some slippers on, read the paper and watch a bit of tv, while some terrible music plays in the background, and some dodgey dinner arrives on a nasty trolley( a bit like the hospital!)

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