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today thurday the 26th May

and so the cycle begins again, dry mouth, funny tasting food, tingly arms and fingers, cold and hot, headache and totally being run over by a few buses this time and maybe a motor home and hit by a few tourists and holiday makers with baseball bats !

didn't see the prof today, some other doc, a consultant, but a good one, nice chap. in the chemo lounge early and home by 3.30 this afternoon, lovely!

thanks to my super star mum for coming with me, I wasn't very entertaining today, closed my eyes for most of it, and made me fetch me some quavers and fizz! well if u cant be demanding when you have cancer when can you be! plus she likes to! even helped out half the chemo lounge by fetching drinks and food! what a sweetie, I m very lucky she is mine, not all mine, I do have to share her, but she is the best.
home to see a very happy smiling gorgeous face, my baby girl, big hug always helps make me smile

so today's news... super neutros, thanks to Mr injection, another injection Sunday to boost me again. and chemo booked in for the 16th June, looks like my birthday will be pants.
oh well, next years will be better.
PET scan being booked for few days before, waiting for the date to come through the post. so the 16 will be news day again, nerves and tension to follow , but one thing at a time,time to get better from this cycle first.

so I m having 8 chemos, i don't do things in a small way, go for the maximum i say, all the way to the end. not sure what is to follow,
 like mum and dads saying, it is what it is,
 what will be will be, I m going to take one day at a time, if I think too far ahead I only break my heart with worry, worrying about not being here or not having the strength for all this. I m not sure I have enough left, running quite low on strength, then my fighting side jumps up and shouts at me, to stop being a baby, fight harder, stay awake, enjoy every minute, have fun, that's what life is for. and I intend to, you wont win , I wont be beaten

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