Apologies for not updating the blog since Saturday, I've been tired and a little bit of a misery, suppose it was bound to happen, its hard trying to be bright and breezy all the time, but have managed a good go at it, and all because of my little angel Lottie! she gets upset when I m upset but its getting harder to be happy!
Injections are going well, better than I thought they would, Especially as I don't like needles, think i m over that after all of the needles I ve seen since the 11th Feb and the biopsy.
Threw myself into having a lazy morning, didn't get dressed, which NEVER happens, always up and dressed before Lottie but couldn't be bothered today so I didn't, don't think it will happen again, feels too lazy for me!
I did try though, we watched telly together and had a rest before venturing to town to meet lovely Laura and handsome Otto for coffee, felt cheered up after, and more normal again, as normal as you can when you have the big C, we then came home with to see Daddy and are now waiting to see Auntie Mandy and Nannie, Our car is in the garage so perhaps being trapped here hasn't helped this week!
Lottie has her 3rd Birthday this weekend, the injections may mean I m not neutropenic, so keeping my fingers crossed for that as it will make them worth while, I really don't want to miss her party, she is very excited, cant wait to see her smiling little face, she sure has missed her friends lately and needs some fun too.
Round three of chemo on the 14th April, and then a scan, although had a letter today to say scanning in two weeks, so maybe before Easter, heres hoping we have some news for Easter!
Holiday is booked for July, and car now, something amazing to look forward to at last, Lottie is already talking about holiday and amazes me as she can remember last years! cant wait for sun and relaxing times, they seem so far away today
This afternoon I made a few calls to try and organise the bike ride and charity fun day in the Summer, going to organise a coach for the 12th June, already wrting a list for the picnic and fun things while the boys race , fingers crossed for some nice weather! boys sponsorship at £435 !
As for the firls event, we are at £200 now!
http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/teamlyddonmerryweather please sponsor the girls team, we need to beat those boys!
thanks to everyone who has sponsored! really cheered me up today to see the totals on the up!
I promise to be a bit more cheery in my next post! :-)
My story about Lymphoma from the day we found out on the 11th Feb, till now How you can help me keep busy and raise some money for charity and maintain that everything can be FUN philosophy, no matter what happens Together we are going to turn it around to be the best summer for us all, fund raising and getting back to my brilliant life and special family and friends :-)
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Woke up at Mands, stayed over night with Lottie, was a shame Lottie was so naughty but we still lover her, watched fantastic Mr Fox for the hundredth time!
I tried to eat but had no appetite, its a weird thing not feeling hungry at all, even thought the food looked nice, I did manage some and it tasted ok, so I was pleased with that! weird these side effects and cruel as mouth ulcers gpone now and I dont want any food!
Lottie finally went to sleep about 9, Me and Mand didn't get ton watch our film as planned but we didn't mind too much, watched the rest of Avatar instead, which was better than I expected !
Mand gave up her bed and shared with Lottie!
We Got up to Lottie shouting wake up! its morning! 6.30! great, we were out the house for 8.45, popped into town and got few bits and came to mums for the help! we managed to sneak to bed for a rest while Mum had the ever so energetic Lottie! phew
Feel tired today but haven't done much, First injection tomorrow! bit worried but will think about it tomorrow, have to do it and have to get used to it for a week, but it is only a week and its only once every day! I have had much worse in the last 40 odd days!
nothing compared to the bone marrow sample!
Seeing Nan(GG) tonight as missed her birthday last week because of the N word! she should be on her way any minute now with Mr Merryweather who is collecting her and bringing her to mums , having dinner but not sure what I can have, as not even hungry!
be nice to be together though, missed the party last week
I tried to eat but had no appetite, its a weird thing not feeling hungry at all, even thought the food looked nice, I did manage some and it tasted ok, so I was pleased with that! weird these side effects and cruel as mouth ulcers gpone now and I dont want any food!
Lottie finally went to sleep about 9, Me and Mand didn't get ton watch our film as planned but we didn't mind too much, watched the rest of Avatar instead, which was better than I expected !
Mand gave up her bed and shared with Lottie!
We Got up to Lottie shouting wake up! its morning! 6.30! great, we were out the house for 8.45, popped into town and got few bits and came to mums for the help! we managed to sneak to bed for a rest while Mum had the ever so energetic Lottie! phew
Feel tired today but haven't done much, First injection tomorrow! bit worried but will think about it tomorrow, have to do it and have to get used to it for a week, but it is only a week and its only once every day! I have had much worse in the last 40 odd days!
nothing compared to the bone marrow sample!
Seeing Nan(GG) tonight as missed her birthday last week because of the N word! she should be on her way any minute now with Mr Merryweather who is collecting her and bringing her to mums , having dinner but not sure what I can have, as not even hungry!
be nice to be together though, missed the party last week
Friday 25th March
Woke up like after a nasty accident or heavy night on the booze, but either way I m not letting it get to me. Lottie was in our bed last night, crying in the night for Daddy then Mummy, so we let her in, I like waking up with her there, she likes cuddles as much as I do.
We were up about 7.15 and she was very cute, lots of cuddles, just what you need after chemo! we had a bath, she helps me by getting the towel etc, such a good girl we are very lucky.
Mum helped out, getting Lottie ready and making breakfast.
The Birthday girl arrived, Happy Birthday to my special friend Mrs Lane today, had a good chat and helped take my mind over the 'hangover' from yesterday! Mr Merryweather came home and we were back together again as a family, just the way i like it.
Got home about 7.15pm last night, it was along day, chemo all done but came home with some extra meds! to try and boost these lazy neutros the Prof wants me to have some injections, I give them myself, first one will be Sunday not too bad only have to do one a day for 7 days. some nasty side effects but not for everyone so fingers crossed I dotn get too many. and I had a short lesson in how to do them ! wrote it all down in the BOOK!
Iits been a real hard week, not felt great, and filled with sad news for lots of special friends, you all know who you are and how much you all mean to me, only wish there was something I could do for you all, life is cruel I have learnt that int he last few years but its the way you deal with, trying to stay positive helps me, and writing this too, but everyone is different with these things and my wish is that all of you find some way that helps and suits you to deal with it without going mad. I m here for you all anytime, Cancer wont ruin that for me!
or my friends, being asleep all the time might though! here's hoping this cycle isn't too hard and i don't miss Lotties 3rd birthday next weekend, already bought the new BIKE! cant wait to see her face! off for a nap now myself, want to be ok later to see my special sister tonight xxx
We were up about 7.15 and she was very cute, lots of cuddles, just what you need after chemo! we had a bath, she helps me by getting the towel etc, such a good girl we are very lucky.
Mum helped out, getting Lottie ready and making breakfast.
The Birthday girl arrived, Happy Birthday to my special friend Mrs Lane today, had a good chat and helped take my mind over the 'hangover' from yesterday! Mr Merryweather came home and we were back together again as a family, just the way i like it.
Got home about 7.15pm last night, it was along day, chemo all done but came home with some extra meds! to try and boost these lazy neutros the Prof wants me to have some injections, I give them myself, first one will be Sunday not too bad only have to do one a day for 7 days. some nasty side effects but not for everyone so fingers crossed I dotn get too many. and I had a short lesson in how to do them ! wrote it all down in the BOOK!
Iits been a real hard week, not felt great, and filled with sad news for lots of special friends, you all know who you are and how much you all mean to me, only wish there was something I could do for you all, life is cruel I have learnt that int he last few years but its the way you deal with, trying to stay positive helps me, and writing this too, but everyone is different with these things and my wish is that all of you find some way that helps and suits you to deal with it without going mad. I m here for you all anytime, Cancer wont ruin that for me!
or my friends, being asleep all the time might though! here's hoping this cycle isn't too hard and i don't miss Lotties 3rd birthday next weekend, already bought the new BIKE! cant wait to see her face! off for a nap now myself, want to be ok later to see my special sister tonight xxx
Round three, ding ding!
woke up early today, bit nervous, shouldn't be as I ve done this twice before now!
But this time I knew it might not happen, blooming lazy neutros!
Me and mum got the train today, mum talked non stop! bring back Mr M least I has some peace! lol bless her, think she was more nervous than me! she looked lovely, always does though, makes me proud to be with her at the station, no coffee for mum but a warm drink for me! it was freezing but sunny , so still glad I didnt take a coat with me. Nan thinks not taking a coat out makes you ill! welol maybe thats why I ve got the cancer! I should have listened to Nan love her!
got here in plenty of time and had some breakfast, went to the third floor for the blood test, took out ticket and went to wait, wasn't there ling before my they called 54! and they took some more blood, result were back in a flash, in an envelope to show the Professor, couldn't resist opening them to sneak a look
neutros ....0.86, higher than yesterday but not at 1 where we wanted! dreaded things, still yesterday they were 0.6, they must have listened when I gave them a stern talking to last night! and a work out!
Prof seemed pleased, so I was pleased, didnt see hm for long, just for a little but enough to feel happy with what was happening. and wanted to crack on with the chemo on the basis that it wasn't extremely low, it was nearly there and if I agreed I could have the GCSF injection to boost them as they are lazy neutros and having the injection may prevent the n word this cycle.
The GCSF does have side effects and like all the drugs, it doesn't affect all people, hopefully as the amazing healing woman I will be ok!
the side effects are aching bones etc as the injection boots the neutro production which happens int he bone marrow, so it makes sense really!
This way I may be fine for Lotties birthday too, as may not go neutro, her birthday is day 10, danger zone for neutropic, so we shall see
oh the other bit of news is that I will be giving myself the injections, I agreed to it, this way it happens when I choose, no where to go no appointments etc, someone will come and show me the first one and teach me, I can handle that right? its just an injection. The pharmacist showed me the needle, didn't look too bad to me !
I used to be needle phobic, but I ve been on an intense needle therapy course since the 11th Feb, I cant handle any now! even doing my own! (maybe)
We came done to the chemo lounge where I sit now typing my blog, felt drowsy, as the piriton they give you makes me feel this wave of tiredness overcomes you followed by a fight between tired and wide awake as the steroid's have the opposite effect, its a bit like Harry Hill steroid's, vs piriton who wins! FIGHT! !!
showed mum the chemo lounge and how normal its seems all these people sitting around in blue chairs having their chemo, some look poorly some like me less ill, some young, some old, one having a blood transfusion a real mixed bag of folks, all here for there own reason but I m sure the same, to get to the end result as my Dad says, to get be better, a means to an end!
Mum went to get me a sandwich, steroid's make me hungry but still have a sore mouth, cheese sandwich arrived, tasty too,m sent mum for chocolate and to call daddy, she arrived back now with bag shopping cake stands wash bags you name it ! bless her, I want to go to the shop! stuck on my drip! anyway she is back now, lucozade in her hand! best keep her company! lol
But this time I knew it might not happen, blooming lazy neutros!
Me and mum got the train today, mum talked non stop! bring back Mr M least I has some peace! lol bless her, think she was more nervous than me! she looked lovely, always does though, makes me proud to be with her at the station, no coffee for mum but a warm drink for me! it was freezing but sunny , so still glad I didnt take a coat with me. Nan thinks not taking a coat out makes you ill! welol maybe thats why I ve got the cancer! I should have listened to Nan love her!
got here in plenty of time and had some breakfast, went to the third floor for the blood test, took out ticket and went to wait, wasn't there ling before my they called 54! and they took some more blood, result were back in a flash, in an envelope to show the Professor, couldn't resist opening them to sneak a look
neutros ....0.86, higher than yesterday but not at 1 where we wanted! dreaded things, still yesterday they were 0.6, they must have listened when I gave them a stern talking to last night! and a work out!
Prof seemed pleased, so I was pleased, didnt see hm for long, just for a little but enough to feel happy with what was happening. and wanted to crack on with the chemo on the basis that it wasn't extremely low, it was nearly there and if I agreed I could have the GCSF injection to boost them as they are lazy neutros and having the injection may prevent the n word this cycle.
The GCSF does have side effects and like all the drugs, it doesn't affect all people, hopefully as the amazing healing woman I will be ok!
the side effects are aching bones etc as the injection boots the neutro production which happens int he bone marrow, so it makes sense really!
This way I may be fine for Lotties birthday too, as may not go neutro, her birthday is day 10, danger zone for neutropic, so we shall see
oh the other bit of news is that I will be giving myself the injections, I agreed to it, this way it happens when I choose, no where to go no appointments etc, someone will come and show me the first one and teach me, I can handle that right? its just an injection. The pharmacist showed me the needle, didn't look too bad to me !
I used to be needle phobic, but I ve been on an intense needle therapy course since the 11th Feb, I cant handle any now! even doing my own! (maybe)
We came done to the chemo lounge where I sit now typing my blog, felt drowsy, as the piriton they give you makes me feel this wave of tiredness overcomes you followed by a fight between tired and wide awake as the steroid's have the opposite effect, its a bit like Harry Hill steroid's, vs piriton who wins! FIGHT! !!
showed mum the chemo lounge and how normal its seems all these people sitting around in blue chairs having their chemo, some look poorly some like me less ill, some young, some old, one having a blood transfusion a real mixed bag of folks, all here for there own reason but I m sure the same, to get to the end result as my Dad says, to get be better, a means to an end!
Mum went to get me a sandwich, steroid's make me hungry but still have a sore mouth, cheese sandwich arrived, tasty too,m sent mum for chocolate and to call daddy, she arrived back now with bag shopping cake stands wash bags you name it ! bless her, I want to go to the shop! stuck on my drip! anyway she is back now, lucozade in her hand! best keep her company! lol
40 days
40 days since we found out I had cancer, seems like a life time ago, so much has happened, two rounds of chemo, two stays in hospital, one 8 days stay one 4 day stay, two rounds of being neutopenic and countless trips for blood tests and to A and E, hairloss, mouth ulcers, sickness!
But I m still smiling( through the ulcers) and trying to enjoy every days on the merits it brings, least I m at home and not in hospital, and able to see my special girl Lottie and amazing husband and nearly lead a normal life
Lottie makes me laugh everyday, growing up so fast and talking more and more, where does she get it from!
ventured out today after a week of staying in, been to lister again and escaped on good behaviour but back tomorrow to check blood before round three on Thursday!
psyching myself up for round three, starting to realise what the Prof meant by feeling beaten up by the end of the 4 treatments
I feel shattered most of the time already and only two rounds in, slept so much over the weekend but when I was awake made sure I had fun with Lottie, Keith and my mum and sis like normal
I don't want things to change , and Lottie has picked up on some it, but she will, things are not the same at the moment I suppose.
Didn't manage to see my Uni friends as spent Friday at the lister and then the bad news of being neutropenic meant I had to avoid all germs, as I have no immune system. I was snet home to rest and relax :-(
Not really had much news to tell, so haven't been updating as much as I was when I was in the hospital.
I'm still organising the charity day to raise awareness and cash for the Lymphoma and cancer chairties in the summer after the girls run the race for life in Stevenage
lotsalready planned, still need to organise antoher meeting with the team, watch this space for news
Please sponsor my strong team of friends and family and me! racing on the 24th July in stevenage, cant wait to write my tshirt, I want to put Tracey 1 Lenny Lymphoma 0!
thank you to all that have sponsored already it means alot to me, as you all know, already raised £160!
hope that the fun day after raises so much, will have totals up on the days of all sponsorship, raffle total and fun day events etc, going to be a superb day, and I hope to be in remission by then, a double celebration and something to look forward to.
any one with ideas or offers for the raffle please email the team at teamlyddonmerryweather@hotmail.co.uk
The boys are racing on 12th June for the chemo unit where I am receiving my treatment,
thanks to all that have sponsored,amazing total of £355!
The girls are losing at the moment, so please sponsor the girls if you can, not that its a competition by you know it will be! lol
But I m still smiling( through the ulcers) and trying to enjoy every days on the merits it brings, least I m at home and not in hospital, and able to see my special girl Lottie and amazing husband and nearly lead a normal life
Lottie makes me laugh everyday, growing up so fast and talking more and more, where does she get it from!
ventured out today after a week of staying in, been to lister again and escaped on good behaviour but back tomorrow to check blood before round three on Thursday!
psyching myself up for round three, starting to realise what the Prof meant by feeling beaten up by the end of the 4 treatments
I feel shattered most of the time already and only two rounds in, slept so much over the weekend but when I was awake made sure I had fun with Lottie, Keith and my mum and sis like normal
I don't want things to change , and Lottie has picked up on some it, but she will, things are not the same at the moment I suppose.
Didn't manage to see my Uni friends as spent Friday at the lister and then the bad news of being neutropenic meant I had to avoid all germs, as I have no immune system. I was snet home to rest and relax :-(
Not really had much news to tell, so haven't been updating as much as I was when I was in the hospital.
I'm still organising the charity day to raise awareness and cash for the Lymphoma and cancer chairties in the summer after the girls run the race for life in Stevenage
lotsalready planned, still need to organise antoher meeting with the team, watch this space for news
Please sponsor my strong team of friends and family and me! racing on the 24th July in stevenage, cant wait to write my tshirt, I want to put Tracey 1 Lenny Lymphoma 0!
thank you to all that have sponsored already it means alot to me, as you all know, already raised £160!
hope that the fun day after raises so much, will have totals up on the days of all sponsorship, raffle total and fun day events etc, going to be a superb day, and I hope to be in remission by then, a double celebration and something to look forward to.
any one with ideas or offers for the raffle please email the team at teamlyddonmerryweather@hotmail.co.uk
The boys are racing on 12th June for the chemo unit where I am receiving my treatment,
thanks to all that have sponsored,amazing total of £355!
The girls are losing at the moment, so please sponsor the girls if you can, not that its a competition by you know it will be! lol
friday and Sat
spent all day the lister yesterday started feeling poorly, and knew something wasnt right, the mouth ulcers starertd too even though its day 16 after chemo, thought I understood this chemo cycles but obviously not!
thought I was safe from the N word but no! had bloods etc other tests yesterday and I;m neutropenic, without an infection this time so allowed to go home and have to be careful of gerns, back monday for more tests hope my neutrophils are up or I wont be able to have chemo next week
fingers crossed and my toes! I have till wednesday to get them ship shape! work those neutros! if only there was something I could do to boost them!
So tired and my mouth is very sore and full of ulcers, what to eat? had supernoodles for breakfast! hard to chew and have to pick things that are soft, want savoury stuff not icecream and glasses of milk, fed up of eating them already! day two of supernoodles and I think it will be wednesday before my mouth is back to normal!
Nans birthday and missing all the fun, and mised uni girls catch up last night too, someone has it in for me this weekend! no fun for me
home sipping milk! not what I had in mind but I ll make the most of it I;m sure, least the sun is shining.that always makes me smile x
thought I was safe from the N word but no! had bloods etc other tests yesterday and I;m neutropenic, without an infection this time so allowed to go home and have to be careful of gerns, back monday for more tests hope my neutrophils are up or I wont be able to have chemo next week
fingers crossed and my toes! I have till wednesday to get them ship shape! work those neutros! if only there was something I could do to boost them!
So tired and my mouth is very sore and full of ulcers, what to eat? had supernoodles for breakfast! hard to chew and have to pick things that are soft, want savoury stuff not icecream and glasses of milk, fed up of eating them already! day two of supernoodles and I think it will be wednesday before my mouth is back to normal!
Nans birthday and missing all the fun, and mised uni girls catch up last night too, someone has it in for me this weekend! no fun for me
home sipping milk! not what I had in mind but I ll make the most of it I;m sure, least the sun is shining.that always makes me smile x
ready for round three
Thursday and I m up too early, 4am is not a suitable time to be awake! I am not a postman like Mr M and therfore require more sleep ! Lottie is safely tucked up in her bed and Keith has gone to work! I m wide awake but will pay for the early start later
we are a week away from round three, next thursday I will be off to UCL again for the third round of chemo
Mum coming with me, off tot he chemo lounge, going to take my laptop this time and blog from the lounger whilst having the chemo! Shouldnt take as long this time as they know I dont ahve any allergic reactions to the drugs, they let the drip run slow last time as it was the first time I had had the chemo with the team over the road from the main hospital
I'm still on antibiotics and avoiding all germs, I like to call this part of the cycle the 'The Germ Factor', its bit like the x factor, not very exciting but you still wait for it and watch it !
neutrophils were low when we went in sat and wont be getting blood test till wedensday to check I m fit for the chemo, fingers crossed everything is as it should be.
Not much to report other than Lotties part all sorted out, birthday girl is excited and so am I, lottie birthday is the same day as mothers day so another set of fingers crossed because it will be day 10 after chemo and if I havent already gone neutropenic then I will be panicing, I do not want to miss her birthday or mothers day or wish to spend it in A and E or staying the night in the worst hotel in hertforshire!
GGs birthday at weekend family bash sat at hers , take away hope I feel up to it and we can all be germ free together , more fingers crosssed, running out of hands!
we are a week away from round three, next thursday I will be off to UCL again for the third round of chemo
Mum coming with me, off tot he chemo lounge, going to take my laptop this time and blog from the lounger whilst having the chemo! Shouldnt take as long this time as they know I dont ahve any allergic reactions to the drugs, they let the drip run slow last time as it was the first time I had had the chemo with the team over the road from the main hospital
I'm still on antibiotics and avoiding all germs, I like to call this part of the cycle the 'The Germ Factor', its bit like the x factor, not very exciting but you still wait for it and watch it !
neutrophils were low when we went in sat and wont be getting blood test till wedensday to check I m fit for the chemo, fingers crossed everything is as it should be.
Not much to report other than Lotties part all sorted out, birthday girl is excited and so am I, lottie birthday is the same day as mothers day so another set of fingers crossed because it will be day 10 after chemo and if I havent already gone neutropenic then I will be panicing, I do not want to miss her birthday or mothers day or wish to spend it in A and E or staying the night in the worst hotel in hertforshire!
GGs birthday at weekend family bash sat at hers , take away hope I feel up to it and we can all be germ free together , more fingers crosssed, running out of hands!
Wednesday 16th March
Monring all
not much to report at the moment, so havent updatd the blog since the good news from saturday
still a little high on that news! good bye Lenny, time leave, i ve got my life to get on with thank you
still very tired, and not liking that part but I wont complain as its small price to pay for returning to normal!
having a quiet week, me and Lottie being best friends again, we even made a cake together with daddy yesterday and had dinner at Mums and she was so proud of it, she is growing up fast, birthday soon too, cant beleive she will be 3
Race for life for girls is up and running, more racers going too, need to decide as a team on our theme, I m still liking the hat theme suggested by mandy, and maybe purple rather than pink as lymphoma chairty colour is purple
http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/teamlyddonmerryweather please sponsor out team of lovely people!
Hoping to see my uni girls on friday for a few hours, keeping my fingers crossed for that and the saturday is GGs birthday! chinese and the family, really looking forward to that too
Off to write another list of things we need t sort out, its never ending
not much to report at the moment, so havent updatd the blog since the good news from saturday
still a little high on that news! good bye Lenny, time leave, i ve got my life to get on with thank you
still very tired, and not liking that part but I wont complain as its small price to pay for returning to normal!
having a quiet week, me and Lottie being best friends again, we even made a cake together with daddy yesterday and had dinner at Mums and she was so proud of it, she is growing up fast, birthday soon too, cant beleive she will be 3
Race for life for girls is up and running, more racers going too, need to decide as a team on our theme, I m still liking the hat theme suggested by mandy, and maybe purple rather than pink as lymphoma chairty colour is purple
http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/teamlyddonmerryweather please sponsor out team of lovely people!
Hoping to see my uni girls on friday for a few hours, keeping my fingers crossed for that and the saturday is GGs birthday! chinese and the family, really looking forward to that too
Off to write another list of things we need t sort out, its never ending
Monday morning, and feel ok bit very tired
the tired thing is annoying, I m 31 not 101!
got lots that needs doing and the house to run, lucky I have an amazing husband! who is doing so much
had a lovely weekend, spending time with my family, stayed at mum and dads on friday for a nice dinner and relaxing time, went out for a bit in the morning with Lottie and Mand, which was nice, like a normal sat morning
home to Mands for lunch but not all was well! thought I was neutro , called the out of hours team from ucl and advised I got to hospital
I should be more used to this now but did feel very upset at the thought of being seperated from my gorgeous girl Lottie again, but put a brave face on adn said see you on the pooter later!
gave her a huge squeeze and me and Mnad headed to the Lister
they were really good, kept me away from the other people waiting and put me in resus 4 as there were no side rooms avaiable , we could see alot from there though!
blood taken and line put in my hand we waited for the results
it didnt seem to take long, I was tired but could not sleep, too noisy and busy and head was thinking too much!
The doctor came and I was sent for xray again, to check for infection etc
I wondered if I would be able to find out if Lenny had packed up any more belongings since the last xray?
The doctor came back with some results,good news he said, your not pregnant! I know that ! but he was being nice and normal and I liked that!
the next news was the neutrophil count 1.2 lower than is should be but last time is 0.22! so much better!
white blood count down too and forgot to ask about the the platelets!
he went to check with registrar but said I would prob be staying overnight :-(
I said to mand if we get out of here I m celebrating with a nice Italian takeaway for us both and Keith and Lottie but that goes without saying, we deserved it the most after waiting in the hospital for hours , I m sure Mand has better things to do on a Saturday, I m a very lucky lady to have such a great sister.
He came back, more good news, x ray results back, ould I like to see them?
of course, I leapt up , did he not notice what a control freak I am as I wrote everything in my book!
When he showed me he said" have you seen the first xray its , erm not very nice"
I told him I had, and yes it fille my chest, and was huge! hence why I didn't sleep or breathe well in January!
He clicked on todays xray..... where was Lenny? I couldn't see him! wanted to ask for a print off!
it was small and I wanted to scream with happiness, I know this doesn't mean its over yet but it really is good news, two more chemos to go so sorry Lenny, you will have to go, as we dont want to see you anymore! and looks like you might be listening!
skipped down the corridor! and we packed stuff up and nearly ran of without the oral antibiotics and with a line in my hand, the nurse came and we were able to leave, home for takeaway! as promised!
Sunday went out for breakfast a real treat with Tracey and would def go again! Radcliffe arms is great ! saw the family and then rested, very tired and tired today too but never mind, Lenny has reduced in size and that's all I need to know right now!
looks like I may be running that race for life in July
the tired thing is annoying, I m 31 not 101!
got lots that needs doing and the house to run, lucky I have an amazing husband! who is doing so much
had a lovely weekend, spending time with my family, stayed at mum and dads on friday for a nice dinner and relaxing time, went out for a bit in the morning with Lottie and Mand, which was nice, like a normal sat morning
home to Mands for lunch but not all was well! thought I was neutro , called the out of hours team from ucl and advised I got to hospital
I should be more used to this now but did feel very upset at the thought of being seperated from my gorgeous girl Lottie again, but put a brave face on adn said see you on the pooter later!
gave her a huge squeeze and me and Mnad headed to the Lister
they were really good, kept me away from the other people waiting and put me in resus 4 as there were no side rooms avaiable , we could see alot from there though!
blood taken and line put in my hand we waited for the results
it didnt seem to take long, I was tired but could not sleep, too noisy and busy and head was thinking too much!
The doctor came and I was sent for xray again, to check for infection etc
I wondered if I would be able to find out if Lenny had packed up any more belongings since the last xray?
The doctor came back with some results,good news he said, your not pregnant! I know that ! but he was being nice and normal and I liked that!
the next news was the neutrophil count 1.2 lower than is should be but last time is 0.22! so much better!
white blood count down too and forgot to ask about the the platelets!
he went to check with registrar but said I would prob be staying overnight :-(
I said to mand if we get out of here I m celebrating with a nice Italian takeaway for us both and Keith and Lottie but that goes without saying, we deserved it the most after waiting in the hospital for hours , I m sure Mand has better things to do on a Saturday, I m a very lucky lady to have such a great sister.
He came back, more good news, x ray results back, ould I like to see them?
of course, I leapt up , did he not notice what a control freak I am as I wrote everything in my book!
When he showed me he said" have you seen the first xray its , erm not very nice"
I told him I had, and yes it fille my chest, and was huge! hence why I didn't sleep or breathe well in January!
He clicked on todays xray..... where was Lenny? I couldn't see him! wanted to ask for a print off!
it was small and I wanted to scream with happiness, I know this doesn't mean its over yet but it really is good news, two more chemos to go so sorry Lenny, you will have to go, as we dont want to see you anymore! and looks like you might be listening!
skipped down the corridor! and we packed stuff up and nearly ran of without the oral antibiotics and with a line in my hand, the nurse came and we were able to leave, home for takeaway! as promised!
Sunday went out for breakfast a real treat with Tracey and would def go again! Radcliffe arms is great ! saw the family and then rested, very tired and tired today too but never mind, Lenny has reduced in size and that's all I need to know right now!
looks like I may be running that race for life in July
Friday, GIRLS RACE FOR LIFE PAGE ONLINE! please sponsor us x
short update, very tired still
trying to rest but its very frustrating! caught with with some amazing friends over the last few days, and slept for the rest of it, which would probably account for 80% of the week asleep!
GIRL RACE FOR LIFE PAGE SET UP, 24th July in Stevenage, hoping for a huge team of lovely ladies! just waiting on some more confirmation over the weekend, but wanted to get this up on the blog as have been asked about it a few times already
full details on the sponsor page ! thanks for all the kind messages everyone , off to bed again! Night all x
trying to rest but its very frustrating! caught with with some amazing friends over the last few days, and slept for the rest of it, which would probably account for 80% of the week asleep!
GIRL RACE FOR LIFE PAGE SET UP, 24th July in Stevenage, hoping for a huge team of lovely ladies! just waiting on some more confirmation over the weekend, but wanted to get this up on the blog as have been asked about it a few times already
full details on the sponsor page ! thanks for all the kind messages everyone , off to bed again! Night all x
catch up
been a very tiring few days , not used to not being able to do much
body has told me to sleep so I have listened, not like me I know but sometimes you have to behave! ( I have had years of misbehaving!)
Had some lovely visitors this week and mornings are best, so tired by lunch time!
Cous Emma came over yesterday, walked to town, first venture out in new wig! and surprised myself by managing to walk the whole way, all 7 minutes of it!
then had coffee when got to town, well I had a hot chocolate as coffee still tastes terrible
a small price to pay for getting better
maybe i wont ever drink it again! had a lovely morning, thank you em x
Lottie had a drink too and then we went to look around shops and see lovely auntie Linda in the shop
Lottie was very good, although wanted a few carrys hope Emma isn't in bed today with a bad back!
We bought some 'make ' to bring home and jacket potatoes! we know how to live, crazy our family! life on the edge! but we were happy!
Lottie and Emma made a big mess, mostly of their own hands! hope the pen marks have come off, Lottie is all clean today!
Daddy came home and Emma was released for caring for the not so elderly, I went to bed and slept till 4.30pm, bit annoyed with all the sleeping but never mind!
woke up and thought i will never sleep tonight, Keith made dinner and Lottie had a bath and went to bed after alot of stories!
I put some things on ebay, make some money for the fun things we want to do this summer, have a folder with all the plans in it! and the wish book with all nice things I thought about when i was in hospital!
Keith had a bath after his delicous lasagne from Auntie Linda! thanks Aunite, others in freezer so he has some nice dinners at the ready! I skyped my sis and mum and then we went to bed, thought I would never sleep but slept till 6am!
Up early and waiting for gg to arrive to help me today, then Mandy arrived with breakfast treats. GG has been great helping with clean sheets washing up and even taking some washing home , thanks for ther treats Mand! super idea!
hoping to catch up with work folks later if i m not asleep or neutropenic, so off for a nap , could go neutropenic any day from now, so trying to make the most of it before I end up back at the lister, bag is packed I m ready but dont want to go!
:-) still smiling though as I have had a fun few days concentrating on my Lottie, been face painting today, she is a tiger! !x
good news is toms fundraising still on the up !
total at £1125.10, thank you again and to anyone who has helped, its amazing!
our boys bike ride is on the way up too, total now £225! http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Merryweather thanks to everyone who has already sponsored them! will update with some training pics soon, They need to get fit ready for June 12th!
girls page to follow, been too tired to create my page, but girls will be racing race for life on 24th july, with our charity event after on the same day at the three horseshoes in Letchworth as a confirmed venue now, lots of ideas for that one, if anyone has any ideas how to make some more money on the day just email our team at teamlyddonmerryweather@hotmail.co.uk
No more news for now thank you to anyone who has called text etc, sorry if I havent replied to them all but so tired, if they come when I m awake and with it I will reply, promise!
still so many nice messages, calls cards presents, thank you, all so kind, I m sure I dont deserve any of it
been a very tiring few days , not used to not being able to do much
body has told me to sleep so I have listened, not like me I know but sometimes you have to behave! ( I have had years of misbehaving!)
Had some lovely visitors this week and mornings are best, so tired by lunch time!
Cous Emma came over yesterday, walked to town, first venture out in new wig! and surprised myself by managing to walk the whole way, all 7 minutes of it!
then had coffee when got to town, well I had a hot chocolate as coffee still tastes terrible
a small price to pay for getting better
maybe i wont ever drink it again! had a lovely morning, thank you em x
Lottie had a drink too and then we went to look around shops and see lovely auntie Linda in the shop
Lottie was very good, although wanted a few carrys hope Emma isn't in bed today with a bad back!
We bought some 'make ' to bring home and jacket potatoes! we know how to live, crazy our family! life on the edge! but we were happy!
Lottie and Emma made a big mess, mostly of their own hands! hope the pen marks have come off, Lottie is all clean today!
Daddy came home and Emma was released for caring for the not so elderly, I went to bed and slept till 4.30pm, bit annoyed with all the sleeping but never mind!
woke up and thought i will never sleep tonight, Keith made dinner and Lottie had a bath and went to bed after alot of stories!
I put some things on ebay, make some money for the fun things we want to do this summer, have a folder with all the plans in it! and the wish book with all nice things I thought about when i was in hospital!
Keith had a bath after his delicous lasagne from Auntie Linda! thanks Aunite, others in freezer so he has some nice dinners at the ready! I skyped my sis and mum and then we went to bed, thought I would never sleep but slept till 6am!
Up early and waiting for gg to arrive to help me today, then Mandy arrived with breakfast treats. GG has been great helping with clean sheets washing up and even taking some washing home , thanks for ther treats Mand! super idea!
hoping to catch up with work folks later if i m not asleep or neutropenic, so off for a nap , could go neutropenic any day from now, so trying to make the most of it before I end up back at the lister, bag is packed I m ready but dont want to go!
:-) still smiling though as I have had a fun few days concentrating on my Lottie, been face painting today, she is a tiger! !x
good news is toms fundraising still on the up !
total at £1125.10, thank you again and to anyone who has helped, its amazing!
our boys bike ride is on the way up too, total now £225! http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Merryweather thanks to everyone who has already sponsored them! will update with some training pics soon, They need to get fit ready for June 12th!
girls page to follow, been too tired to create my page, but girls will be racing race for life on 24th july, with our charity event after on the same day at the three horseshoes in Letchworth as a confirmed venue now, lots of ideas for that one, if anyone has any ideas how to make some more money on the day just email our team at teamlyddonmerryweather@hotmail.co.uk
No more news for now thank you to anyone who has called text etc, sorry if I havent replied to them all but so tired, if they come when I m awake and with it I will reply, promise!
still so many nice messages, calls cards presents, thank you, all so kind, I m sure I dont deserve any of it
Thank You Tom
Update !
A few snaps of the hero from Sunday, Toms Eastbourne half marathon! hope you arent in too much pain today Tom a plan a more relaxing weekend this week.
We Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all those who sponsored Tom for the Eastbourne half marathon on Sunday, He completed the race in a time of 1hr 49 min 49 seconds. fantastic hey!
and raised a huge £1090.10!
Had a lovely email today from Mr Barnett too
A few snaps of the hero from Sunday, Toms Eastbourne half marathon! hope you arent in too much pain today Tom a plan a more relaxing weekend this week.
We Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all those who sponsored Tom for the Eastbourne half marathon on Sunday, He completed the race in a time of 1hr 49 min 49 seconds. fantastic hey!
and raised a huge £1090.10!
Had a lovely email today from Mr Barnett too
"Really enjoyed the race and it spurred me on knowing I was doing something for a good cause. Am glad was able to help. Really overwhelmed by the amount we have managed to raise – a great team effort!"
I didnt do anything Tom, it was all you! thanks again x
Monday 7th March
Had a lovely Sisters Sunday, went out on our own, sorry Lottie, big girls only, wander and some lunch in St Albans, thanks sis, you are the best, really lovely morning and home for a sleep, and a film, perfect Sunday happiness!
Brilliant news to start to a Monday morning, Toms Fund raising reached an amazing effort and total, beyond all expectations! Total now standing at £1080.10! thank you again Tom, a real hero, I m sure the UCLH are just as happy as I am, when I started this journey I didn’t expect the support I’ve had over the last few weeks, it’s all still overwhelming and won’t ever be forgotten, pics to follow soon!
Got ready, had a bath, and was shocked when I looked in the bath after I got out, didn’t remember shaving, then I realised, it was the hair from my head filling the bath, least it’s not long clumps now, just short spiked ones,I made that decision too, not you Lenny ! Note to self come payday need a few hats its so cold when you get up/go to bed with no hair, how do these boys have these short hair cuts! I m cold all the time!
First day of Keith going to work, wish he could be here all the time, But two special friends coming over, Uni girls! Only part of our bunch but very pleased to see them
We were incomplete today, without Jo and Kel but it was amazing to see them and meet Harrison too! Felt broody but not sad, it was lovely to see the girls, had some laughs despite the underlying sadness that is in the background at the moment, and hope to be able to see them all together very soon, fingers crossed that Neutropenia doesn’t get in the way!
Keith went to work and mum came to help me, don’t really like the thought that I can’t do everything I used for myself but I will get used to it and its only temporary, it could be worse, it could be forever, so no dwelling on that! I won’t allow it; I have a nice roster for helpers in the mornings until Mr M returns! We do need to sort something out, Lottie can’t go to nursery it’s a giant germ fest and I can’t be open to these germs with my rubbish immune system, really need to get so much sorted out, head hurts thinking about it all. I Will add it to the list !
Have had some tumour pain today, well aches etc, think its Lenny getting his head kicked in so kind of makes me happy if that sounds odd!
Mandy popped in for lunch as was working in Letchworth, then Keith arrived, so only a few moments alone, phew. Mand went off to work and we had a little rest, Keith took Lottie to the park so I could rest, hard to sleep yesterday as so much paperwork etc to complete but tried my best! I have written a list and will work my way through it this week
Mand arrived for her normal Monday tea time; we took Lottie to McDonalds for a treat she likes chippys and milkshake! And she had been so good a real star all day! She really is growing up! She loved the baby too! Really gentle, mummy was proud of her. We went to the baldock services, so we could try and win a toy for her as well, no such luck! Bit cross we always win, but not this time, but have to admit our luck has changed recently!
Lottie went to bed when we got in, told me to tidy up! I don’t think so love! Instead went for a short walk round the supermarket with my mum, was really nice, silly I know but something normal! Came home in time for an early night! Life on the edge!
It has been a hard few days this weekend, some difficult decisions and news for 2 different close friends, and my cancer/Lenny will not get in the way of me being there for either of you, you know who you are, and I m still your friends, with r without Lenny, two very different problems, but both huge, love you both, please don’t feel I can’t help/talk things over, I want to help you both. Enough said, but we are a strong bunch of girls! But you already know that, text/call me anytime, I m home, with tea and cuddles long as you are both germ free! Or we can skype, it’s the future!
Went to bed with an itchy head! Hurry up and fall out hair, driving me crazy, had a bath before Keith left and more hair came out, but not enough! Dad coming to help me today, got a few jobs for him! But he likes it, and it keeps me and him happy, he will be busy and I will get a few DIY jobs done, he can have lunch as a reward and Lottie is very excited about granga coming to play. lovely doctor calling today, must not forget. Then Mr M will return and it will be nap time again, I see a pattern developing here! I do like a routine!
Looking forward to tomorrow’s special guest Mrs Ellis, we always have a laugh even when we were at the hospital! So a busy week, then I’ve pencilled in neutropenia for anytime after Thursday as its most likely to happen on day 7-10 after chemo, hoping it arrives Friday or sat so i don’t miss seeing the gang from work on Thursday after work, keep your fingers crossed, it ruined it last time! But that was day 10 after chemo, so maybe I ll be lucky, but luck isn’t my thing at the moment!
Sisters song today ...for you Mand, sing it loud on the way to work!
Race Day £925.10 Run Tom Run!
Today is big race day for Mr Tom! Good luck, run Forrest run! Total this morning is at a huge £925.10 blooming brilliant, pics to follow from my official press photographer!
Good luck Tom, you don’t know how much it means to me and the charity too, thank you so, much, I’ll have to stop there as I don’t want to cry x
I ll go back to yesterday instead, I woke up around 6 today, even when I wake up I still feel so very tired but cant sit here again, we are off to Woburn wont be too much, only sitting in car watching a few animals and Lottie loves “mamials” as she says, and I only get the weekend to spend with Mum and Mandy, as they have to carry on with work, so I intend to make the most of the time we can spend together
We packed up the car and off we went, Girls day out, Me Mum and Mandy and of course Lottie, she was excited as we have been before with the Lovely Mrs Brunger!
I wore Cheryl, it was freezing so could wear a hat too and was hoping it would be less obvious I was wearing a wig, we wouldnt bump into anyone we know there either , fingers crossed
We drove around the park, Not sure if Mandy or Lottie were the most excited member of our party! The animals were on top form, they always seem to move about more and walk past the car in the cold, the giraffes stampeded past the car and across the road! Lottie was very excited and wanted to sit on my lap which was lovely! We saw, the rhinos, zebras, bears, lions all sorts, Lottie loved it! We drove around the monkeys to try and get them on the car but unfortunately only saw them on top of the other cars! We decided we would go t the craft fair and come back for another go before we left
We had some lunch and then went for a wander, into he craft fair and the first thing we saw was a charity stall for Lymphoma and Leukaemia, they were local group from Hemel, we decided we had to buy something, so had a go on the tombola and bought Lottie a frog, my prize on the raffle was shampoo, really made me laugh won’t need that for a while, then I won a calendar s we gave them back explained we just wanted to help out as its a cause that we feel a lot form they were lovely ladies and I got their card and will contact them to see how I can help them too. They couldn’t believe Cheryl wasn’t my own hair and asked about my condition, saying non Hodgkin’s etc had the best possible prognosis. I haven’t considered that I won’t be ok, it’s starting to dawn on me that people don’t see it the same way as I do, I have to be ok, No other option.
We took a further wander along, looking at the other bits and pieces but my ,mind was somewhere else, tried to shake it off so we could enjoy the day, we have had enough terrible upsetting days later I want to make the most of the time I m not in hospital or asleep.
Lottie saw a stall where you could paint and make, there were some lovely coloured sands and you could fill up a plastic shape and make a necklace, she was sold! We picked a star necklace and she filled it up very well, looks very pretty she wore it all day! And painted a blue racing car which we could collect before leaving for home!
Lottie saw a stall where you could paint and make, there were some lovely coloured sands and you could fill up a plastic shape and make a necklace, she was sold! We picked a star necklace and she filled it up very well, looks very pretty she wore it all day! And painted a blue racing car which we could collect before leaving for home!
Next on Lottie’s agenda was the penguins! “peng pengs” we wandered off the weather was lovely sun shining really beautiful. We found the pengs and a few other animals and I was getting tired, but stumbled across the parrot show, they were flying around and around, Lottie loved them, mouth wide open! Then one flew past my head, had to duck, think that parrot was after Cheryl and my hat, that was close we said!
Off to the shop and Lottie was bought a monkey for being such a good girl, thanks Mandy and Mum, you do spoil her but she is more than worth it. We had a really nice morning, but time to sleep for me, slept on the way home, so did Lottie! Before that one more trip to see if we can get a monkey to jump on Mandy’s car, we drove around looking for the cheeky ones, already on the cars, finally one leap on the roof and slid down the windscreen, Mandy was most def the most excited! Lottie wasn’t sure she liked it! Then we looked over to see some naughty monkeys doing things on top of another car, we were hysterical as the people in the car had n idea about what those monkeys were up to! Until they saw us laughing pointing!
Got home for a rest and then lovely Tracey popped in for a cuppa after being up the road sorting out her new house, can’t wait to see how it’s going, bet its fab it was last time I saw it! She showed me how to open he beautiful chocs she sent, me and Keith had been struggling, we must be tired or something! Or they were too fancy for us! x
Me and Lottie got in our pjs while daddy went to get some dinner, Skpyed Mum and Dad and Mandy and Auntie and then went to bed! Being so tired is rubbish but better than some of the side effects last time. I do feel ill first thing and food is odd, tastes funny or makes me feel sickly but the tablets are working, I need to be careful and take each day as it comes, can’t really be alone for much time at the moment not with Lottie, but have the covered with a plan for next week so each day I have some help before Keith is home at lunch time to rescue me. It won’t be forever and then I can have my independence back please I hate replying on others I DO IT MYSELF, Lottie’s catch phrase will rapidly become mine!
Saturday Shampoo
Sleep sleep and some more sleep
This seems to be the future, so tired, woke up early yesterday, and went back to bed after a while and then two special friends came over, cheered me up, then went for another rest
GG came over to do a few jobs in the afternoon, may have to get her cleaning every week, Keith took Lottie out for some fun at Monkey business. Wore her out, came home and she was very tired and hungry! Good work Mr M
Feel better this time after chemo than last time, no appetite and feel sleepy and up and down that was to be expected. Lots of tablets to take but that’s not a problem if they keep me well.
Sis came over and took Lottie to Mum and Dad’s so could try and rest/eat with a little peace and quiet, Lottie has a new catch phrase, “What’s that mum?” what’s that?” and pointing, cute but exhausting! Especially if you are tired anyway!
Lottie came home and looked very happy, pjs and went to bed with lots of stories from Daddy.
Checked the fundraising to cheer me up
Our boys bike ride up to £75 , please sponsor them! Think of my dad on a bike, and the cycle helmet that’s worth a fiver of anyone’s money! And he hasn’t been on a bike in years, training programme to follow soon! Trying to think of something they could do so we can see them when they race, maybe purple faces! Fancy dress if they will let us dress them up!
Toms half marathon up to 900! Big smiles!! Good luck Tom you are a star!
Me Mandy and Mum going to take Lottie to Woburn today, to see the animals, resting in the car, will take my pillow! Will wear the wig I think, it’s so cold today , then Daddy can take a day off, he is back to work Monday after some seriously long hard three weeks, been a superstar as always thought, I m very lucky
Looking forward to going out today, change of scenery, and the day with Mum and Mandy, Like normal sat, but not quite as I m a tired baldie!
Roll on payday been expensive being ill! Still nothing changes, waiting for payday is normal right, and at the moment normal seems very appealing!
Keeping it in mind that Prof Linch said 80% of getting Lenny kicked out after 4 cycles and this is the second so I m a the half way mark, but worried about how tired I ll be by the end he did mention “feeling somewhat beaten up” by the end I think I can see what he means now, but I m the incredible healing woman, I won’t be beat! Not by Lenny, I’m already winning!
Got to get back to the fun life we had before Lenny made his ugly appearance, haven’t had a drink since Christmas! No dance offs or proper fun really, We have the holiday to look forward to after this, timed well, and we didn’t even know! Can’t wait to walk down to the beach and sit sleeping by the sea! Think we will all need it by July. I’ll have to buy some big hats and sun block, can’t sit in the sun after chemo, just another rule to live by! Its a long list!
I hope I m not too tired today want to enjoy the animals too with Lottie rather than miss it asleep!
Have a good weekend everyone
special birthday song for Mr Styles today :-)
Gold Dust
Round two started yesterday, up early almost keen to get going to kick Lenny out, the bailiff mean business, you’re not welcome Lenny! I know you have packed a few of your things are we saw that you had reduced but you need to take the whole thing and get out of town please, we have a good leaving party for you as no one wants to see you again, sorry sounds harsh but you aren’t very popular, and don’t bother anyone else either, best you leave the county/planet universe!
First need to remember what yesterday was for my family, a sad day before round two, We all miss Uncle Phil, so much fun, he would have told Lenny to do one ! I feel like I was looked after yesterday as it went so well, reckon that was you Phil and maybe Granddad doodling something next to you shading with a few different pencils taking his time and drawing a few pics of the chemo lounge ! Love and miss you both, but enough as already tears while I m typing, Well done Auntie and cousins, sorry I added to the upset/worry yesterday .But he was busy as you got the house Emma and Kieron we turned it around yesterday. Cant wait to see the new pad. X
Yesterday I was up early, and managed to get confirmation of the boys bike ride to support the Charity at the hospital, met Sara yesterday and they seemed pleased, saw the total was at at £75, this morning, thanks for the sponsors, cheered up to see that today. As to be honest I feel shocking today.
Our boys sponsor page for the Bike ride published! http://www.justgiving.com/Tracey-Merryweather
I got My Lottie ready, she looked gorgeous always does, Nannie arrived and she was excited about helping nannie for the day and waved us blew kisses at the station, least I get to come home this time back to her for a cuddle
black eye nearly gone! |
Decided to work the scarf, figured be a few baldies there, and the wig felt more odd, scarf needed an outing, build some confidence up
We got on the train, Keith bought first class ticket, so we could get a seat and make sure we had one for the way home, it was a great idea, read my magazines from Sarah thank you sweetie, saved them for yesterday read my horoscope again, made me laugh
Gemini 22 May to 21 June
“You are in the mood to throw yourself into some work and your optimism lifts the mood of everyone around you. Now is the time to put your imagination into work on a five year plan that suddenly seems really achievable”
Really made me smile I do feel a bit like, best think about this 5 year plan!
Arrived at Hospital early, found the building we had to go to for chemo as was different last time, then went to eat my last tasty breakfast for a week or more, not sure how /what to expect this time , as i will have to say bye to taste buds, its a side effect of the chemo, it will be back just in time for ulcers and before next chemo on 24th March three weeks time.
We went to boots to get a drink, bought a new lipgloss too “called take a chance!”
We were there early but when arrived impressed, well organised busy but good. I was in to see Professor D Linch, we were really happy with that and although he was running later would rather wait and see him.
We were clled in about 11.30 and felt nervous, he was brilliant,we had a list of questions at the end and end he was more thank happy to answer
I wont be taking GCSF this time, when i go neutropenic it should be as bad this time if it is then next time and becomes a problem we will but the side effects sound nasty so I prefer not and will listen to whatever his advice is
The big results
Chances of these 4 cycles of chemo getting rid of it???
.....................80% chance I could be in remission after this OMG better than I thought,
25 % chance of it returning, lovwer than I thought, another answer that made me feel better,
He confirmed it had reduced in size but at the end of the 4 cycles so in June I ll have a PET scan, the radioactive one, and that will show up any cancerous cells, they glow ! lets hope Lenny is gone by then! And maybe I need some radio therapy and I can get on with my life again!
We then went to phamrist, loved how organised it was, Medication all waiting for me, and then we were sent downstairs to the chemo lounge as me and Keith called it, lots of blue recliners in a room full of people having chemo! Quite relaxed with amazing staff that really know their stuff, we were impressed
Had the chemo felt tired but couldn’t sleep. Met the Sara about our boys bike ride, and thanked us for the sponsors. Told her a few of our plans got some posters to put up for the boys at work etc so will circulate those.
All done by 5.30, not bad will be quicker next time as one of them is harsh the Ritiuximab , they give it slowly in case of reactions. We left in taxi for station, nice to be going home, want to see Lottie, and Mum and Mandy and Dad
Mum picked us up from the station at Hitchin, went home Lottie was snuggled up with Auntie Mandy, bug cuggles all round, felt really good to see them, they looked tired probably had a more tiring day than us, Mum def with Lottie! Had already given them the good news about remission chances Mum will come with me next time so Keith can look after ¸glad she wants to come.
Skyped Cousins and Auntie, they were ok, wanted to see they were alright, even all laughed, they were all crammed around the computer, laughing at each other J
Had a bath with Lottie and daddy put her bed while I rested, tried to eat then went to bed slept ok but up at 4am today, will sleep later if I can.
Love you Keith, Lottie, Mum, Mandy , Daddy I m going to be all fixed by the Summer I feel it , then we can have our holiday, I better organise the car, hope it’s as cool as lasts years! Going to need that holiday Prof Linch said I will feel a beat beaten up by the end of the 4 cycles, wont take me long to get ready with no hair to do!
todays theme tune for my Gregs Gold Dust DJ Fresh, cool video too
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNuUgbUzM8U sponsored skip anyone! ? lol
Round two of chemo today and charity bike ride launch
Quick blog today, as off for chemo to UCLH
Yesterday I had lovely day with the family, nice dinner in the evening, before I cant eat again! thanks Mum, Dad and Mandy and of course Lottie who danced naked with wellies on for us all ! A real treat! lol
last supper! might make it a tradition before chemo
Toms total now standing at an amazing £630.10, thank you to anyone who sponsored, good luck to Tom for the 6th :-)
SPONSOR the boys for the Charity bike ride
We have our Boys bike ride sponsor page ready! please sponsor my brilliant husband and Daddy and team of Best man Damian and Cousins Colin and Kieron and Dave
Round two today, off to UCLH for second chemo, not sure what to expect today but know I m in safe hands
Home tonight Hope Lottie is a good girl today for my Mum and Dad and Sis xx
todays theme tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NFV8dHrZYM
One Day Like this, elbow :-)
Yesterday I had lovely day with the family, nice dinner in the evening, before I cant eat again! thanks Mum, Dad and Mandy and of course Lottie who danced naked with wellies on for us all ! A real treat! lol
last supper! might make it a tradition before chemo
Toms total now standing at an amazing £630.10, thank you to anyone who sponsored, good luck to Tom for the 6th :-)
SPONSOR the boys for the Charity bike ride
We have our Boys bike ride sponsor page ready! please sponsor my brilliant husband and Daddy and team of Best man Damian and Cousins Colin and Kieron and Dave
Round two today, off to UCLH for second chemo, not sure what to expect today but know I m in safe hands
Home tonight Hope Lottie is a good girl today for my Mum and Dad and Sis xx
todays theme tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NFV8dHrZYM
One Day Like this, elbow :-)
Wednesday 2nd March, lots to do today a few things to catch up, will go back again to where I left you,
Found out that I m stage 2 this is good news, its not gone everywhere, we already knew it was going to be a better result as the bone marrow test was clear.
- Stage 2 More than one group of lymph nodes is affected, but all the affected nodes are contained within either the upper half or the lower half of the body. The upper half of the body is above the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle underneath the lungs), and the lower half is below it.
Could be worse could be three or four, happy with that result, we caught it early, one person to thank, one person who listened at the doctors that I wasn’t well that it was too painful and not getting any better, Dr Lacy, thank you may just have saved my life. We spoke yesterday and she is brilliant, helping me sort out a few things, there is lots to do and I m rapidly becoming a lymphoma expert, the Guru as you said Sal! X
Going to have a penicillin allergy test as they think i may not be allergic and that way I can have a better selection of antibiotics! Asked Dr Lacy yesterday and having the first test today with my blood at the Lister this morning
More bloods today to check we are ok for tomorrow, ROUND TWO! Chemo at the UCL
I started yesterday with a list of things to fix, number one, be brave and go out in the wig, had just the right woman for the job, Carla, she was brave and offered to go out with the baldie, like a normal day, off to the shops for a mooch, she arrived and I was very nervous, she looked lovely, beautiful. Went out said bye and took a deep breath, no tears brave face on.
Got to Hitchin and went for breakfast, watched the world go by and no one looked, we laughed and kept smiling, even felt like pulling it off in the shop and scaring the life out of someone, going to be a good trick! Someone will have to come with me for that one, it will be hilarious!
Came home and felt ok, but hot, not sure I can wear it all the time, Cheryl will be for special occasions, she is going to be seriously hot to wear out! Maybe I need a mid length one, and excuse hey, payday will be the next wig treat!
Home for lunch and a knock on the door, always makes me jump, worried about seeing people, hence why i loaded pics on facebook, there you go take a good look, less to stare at when you see me, it’s all gone and its only hair, it will grow back, maybe better than my old hair who knows, but who cares, it’s really not a big deal , I’ll get used to the wig and scarf and not be worried, already feels normal when I’ m home, just going out to conquer!
Beautiful flowers from a beautiful friend, thank you Nessie/Noodles x
Sorted Lotties bedroom couldn’t get in there for toys clothes and sutff!!
Looks nice again now one more job off the list ! it’s a long list not sure can fix it all before tomorrow.

We cleaned Lotties room together, and felt shattered, annoyed me, I don’t like being tired, but had to rest, it’s a side effect and will be worse next week, will have be more rested next week so wanted to do a few thing this week before total wipe out again. If I don’t reply to texts or calls it’s because I’m resting, I do try to reply, but you will have to be patient with me, I can only take one day at a time, which goes against my normal super organised planned self, but lots of things have changed lately, that is a small price to pay be being well again. I will catch up when I can, going to off till the summer so we have plenty of time x
Fun raising update, Toms smashing it for me with the run on Sunday
TOTAL today £590.10 amazing, thank you to all the sponsors, all Toms friends and family and of course you Mr Barnett! Superstar, drinks when I’m better, maybe I need a book to write down all the outings I m going to have after I win this fight! Cant wait to tell them when i go back Thursday for chemo.
Went to supermarket to try out the scarf look, felt more worried about that one, its obvious I have cancer in a scarf but its more comfortable, what to do, front it out! Like everything else, I ll be ok, going with Mum and Mandy and she will kill anyone who upsets me, I scared of Mand when she is angry! We went round felt ok, though who cares what are they going to say, excuse me have you got cancer, I would reply yes but i m busy making a full recovery thanks, no sympathy please I m just me, although i have asked myself who I am lately as I don’t feel liek me, feel like a stronger better me, which is odd considering Lenny has invaded and is busy squatting in my chest! Well Lenny, your times nearly up, so make the most of you comfy space before you are destroyed. Thank you Mand and Mum for being brave as always we did it, feel ok about it already, Love you both so much, i wouldn’t go out with you with a scarf on Mand, you looked hilarious but the face you pulled dint help! You have a beautiful face Mand, you would rock the baldie look, and maybe you should try it! x
Really spooky this morning, when I got up the Gregs has put a dance off tune on facebook so today theme tune can only be one thing
Beenie Man, who Am I, listened to it over and over this morning, weird Claire hey! Have you been reading my diary! Lol
Keith put lots to bed while we went out, came home she was upstairs doing stories, so I cooked special dinner me and Mrs Lane chose this morning, this isn’t just food its M and S food! As the tag
line goes! It was two dine in for £10 a proper dinner, can’t believe how hungry you are when you haven’t eaten well for more than two weeks, more like two months. Set the table, lit some candles like we used to on sat nights, looked beautiful! It was odd not buying wine but found a good alternative! Not sure I can drink now, need my body in tip top condition! Chose a Neutropenic friendly dinner, its not easy! I m ok now but thought best to be careful.
Then went to bed, total wipeout till 6am not bad hey!
Today’s jobs
· Lister for blood tests
· Doctors pick up paperwork
· Bank to do more paperwork
· Post Office to post some more paper! Too many trees! Not sounding very environmentally friendly!
· Home! Get ready for tomorrow
Big question, what to wear! Scarf or wig!
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