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ready for round three

Thursday  and I m up too early, 4am is not a suitable time to be awake! I am not a postman like Mr M and therfore require more sleep ! Lottie is safely tucked up in her bed and Keith has gone to work! I m wide awake but will pay for the early start later

we are a week away from round three, next thursday I will be off to UCL again for the third round of chemo
Mum coming with me, off tot he chemo lounge, going to take my laptop this time and blog from the lounger whilst having the chemo! Shouldnt take as long this time as they know I dont ahve any allergic reactions to the drugs, they let the drip run slow last time as it was the first time I had had the chemo with the team over the road from the main hospital

I'm still on antibiotics and avoiding all germs, I like to call this part of the cycle the 'The Germ Factor', its bit like the x factor, not very exciting but you still wait for it and watch it !

neutrophils were low when we went in sat and wont be getting blood test till wedensday to check I m fit for the chemo, fingers crossed everything is as it should be.

Not much to report other than Lotties part all sorted out, birthday girl is excited and so am I, lottie birthday is the same day as mothers day so another set of fingers crossed because it will be day 10 after chemo and if I havent already gone neutropenic then I will be panicing, I do not want to miss her birthday or mothers day or wish to spend it in A and E or staying the night in the worst hotel in hertforshire!

GGs birthday at weekend family bash sat at hers , take away hope I feel up to it and we can all be germ free together , more fingers crosssed,  running  out of hands!


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