Wednesday 2nd March, lots to do today a few things to catch up, will go back again to where I left you,
Found out that I m stage 2 this is good news, its not gone everywhere, we already knew it was going to be a better result as the bone marrow test was clear.
- Stage 2 More than one group of lymph nodes is affected, but all the affected nodes are contained within either the upper half or the lower half of the body. The upper half of the body is above the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle underneath the lungs), and the lower half is below it.
Could be worse could be three or four, happy with that result, we caught it early, one person to thank, one person who listened at the doctors that I wasn’t well that it was too painful and not getting any better, Dr Lacy, thank you may just have saved my life. We spoke yesterday and she is brilliant, helping me sort out a few things, there is lots to do and I m rapidly becoming a lymphoma expert, the Guru as you said Sal! X
Going to have a penicillin allergy test as they think i may not be allergic and that way I can have a better selection of antibiotics! Asked Dr Lacy yesterday and having the first test today with my blood at the Lister this morning
More bloods today to check we are ok for tomorrow, ROUND TWO! Chemo at the UCL
I started yesterday with a list of things to fix, number one, be brave and go out in the wig, had just the right woman for the job, Carla, she was brave and offered to go out with the baldie, like a normal day, off to the shops for a mooch, she arrived and I was very nervous, she looked lovely, beautiful. Went out said bye and took a deep breath, no tears brave face on.
Got to Hitchin and went for breakfast, watched the world go by and no one looked, we laughed and kept smiling, even felt like pulling it off in the shop and scaring the life out of someone, going to be a good trick! Someone will have to come with me for that one, it will be hilarious!
Came home and felt ok, but hot, not sure I can wear it all the time, Cheryl will be for special occasions, she is going to be seriously hot to wear out! Maybe I need a mid length one, and excuse hey, payday will be the next wig treat!
Home for lunch and a knock on the door, always makes me jump, worried about seeing people, hence why i loaded pics on facebook, there you go take a good look, less to stare at when you see me, it’s all gone and its only hair, it will grow back, maybe better than my old hair who knows, but who cares, it’s really not a big deal , I’ll get used to the wig and scarf and not be worried, already feels normal when I’ m home, just going out to conquer!
Beautiful flowers from a beautiful friend, thank you Nessie/Noodles x
Sorted Lotties bedroom couldn’t get in there for toys clothes and sutff!!
Looks nice again now one more job off the list ! it’s a long list not sure can fix it all before tomorrow.

We cleaned Lotties room together, and felt shattered, annoyed me, I don’t like being tired, but had to rest, it’s a side effect and will be worse next week, will have be more rested next week so wanted to do a few thing this week before total wipe out again. If I don’t reply to texts or calls it’s because I’m resting, I do try to reply, but you will have to be patient with me, I can only take one day at a time, which goes against my normal super organised planned self, but lots of things have changed lately, that is a small price to pay be being well again. I will catch up when I can, going to off till the summer so we have plenty of time x
Fun raising update, Toms smashing it for me with the run on Sunday
TOTAL today £590.10 amazing, thank you to all the sponsors, all Toms friends and family and of course you Mr Barnett! Superstar, drinks when I’m better, maybe I need a book to write down all the outings I m going to have after I win this fight! Cant wait to tell them when i go back Thursday for chemo.
Went to supermarket to try out the scarf look, felt more worried about that one, its obvious I have cancer in a scarf but its more comfortable, what to do, front it out! Like everything else, I ll be ok, going with Mum and Mandy and she will kill anyone who upsets me, I scared of Mand when she is angry! We went round felt ok, though who cares what are they going to say, excuse me have you got cancer, I would reply yes but i m busy making a full recovery thanks, no sympathy please I m just me, although i have asked myself who I am lately as I don’t feel liek me, feel like a stronger better me, which is odd considering Lenny has invaded and is busy squatting in my chest! Well Lenny, your times nearly up, so make the most of you comfy space before you are destroyed. Thank you Mand and Mum for being brave as always we did it, feel ok about it already, Love you both so much, i wouldn’t go out with you with a scarf on Mand, you looked hilarious but the face you pulled dint help! You have a beautiful face Mand, you would rock the baldie look, and maybe you should try it! x
Really spooky this morning, when I got up the Gregs has put a dance off tune on facebook so today theme tune can only be one thing
Beenie Man, who Am I, listened to it over and over this morning, weird Claire hey! Have you been reading my diary! Lol
Keith put lots to bed while we went out, came home she was upstairs doing stories, so I cooked special dinner me and Mrs Lane chose this morning, this isn’t just food its M and S food! As the tag
line goes! It was two dine in for £10 a proper dinner, can’t believe how hungry you are when you haven’t eaten well for more than two weeks, more like two months. Set the table, lit some candles like we used to on sat nights, looked beautiful! It was odd not buying wine but found a good alternative! Not sure I can drink now, need my body in tip top condition! Chose a Neutropenic friendly dinner, its not easy! I m ok now but thought best to be careful.
Then went to bed, total wipeout till 6am not bad hey!
Today’s jobs
· Lister for blood tests
· Doctors pick up paperwork
· Bank to do more paperwork
· Post Office to post some more paper! Too many trees! Not sounding very environmentally friendly!
· Home! Get ready for tomorrow
Big question, what to wear! Scarf or wig!
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