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friday and Sat

spent all day the lister yesterday started feeling poorly, and knew something wasnt right, the mouth ulcers starertd too even though its day 16 after chemo, thought I understood this chemo cycles but obviously not!

thought I was safe from the N word but no! had bloods etc other tests yesterday and I;m neutropenic, without an infection this time so allowed to go home and have to be careful of gerns, back monday for more tests hope my neutrophils are up or I wont be able to have chemo next week
fingers crossed and my toes! I have till wednesday to get them ship shape! work those neutros! if only there was something I could do to boost them!

So tired and my mouth is very sore and full of ulcers, what to eat? had supernoodles for breakfast! hard to chew and have to pick things that are soft, want savoury stuff not icecream and glasses of milk, fed up of eating them already! day two of supernoodles and I think it will be wednesday before my mouth is back to normal!

Nans birthday and missing all the fun, and mised uni girls catch up last night too, someone has it in for me this weekend! no fun for me
home sipping milk! not what I had in mind but I ll make the most of it I;m sure, least the sun is shining.that always makes me smile x

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