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Wednesday 16th March

Monring all
not much to report at the moment, so havent updatd the blog since the good news from saturday
still a little high on that news! good bye Lenny, time leave, i ve got my life to get on with thank you

still very tired, and not liking that part but I wont complain as its  small price to pay for returning to normal!

having a quiet week, me and Lottie being best friends again, we even made a cake together with daddy yesterday and had dinner at Mums and she was so proud of it, she is growing up fast, birthday soon too, cant beleive she will be 3

Race for life for girls is up and running, more racers going too, need to decide as a team on our theme, I m still liking the hat theme suggested by mandy, and maybe purple rather than pink as lymphoma chairty colour is purple please sponsor out team of lovely people!

Hoping to see my uni girls on friday for a few hours, keeping my fingers crossed for that and the saturday is GGs birthday! chinese and the family, really looking forward to that too

Off to write another list of things we need t sort out, its never ending

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