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first fundraiser, for the chemo unit UCL

 AMAZING NEWS! sponsors needed for the first phase of the Lyddon Merryweather fundraising team!

The first fund raising commences,just two weeks after I was diagnosed with Lymphoma,
this means so much to me, I cant describe how much and don't want to go all weepy so will stop there!

A kind chap called Tom, who will be running the Eastborne half marathon on the 6th March to raise money in my honour for the chemo unit at UCL which treats Lymphoma and will be treating me for me  Chemo over the next 12 weeks, I return there next week on the 3rd March.

Its totally brilliant and kind, thank you Tom, please log on and sponsor him, it only needs to be what you can afford, the target is £500, please help support the fantastic team and work they do there!and show Tom how much we appreciate the support he is showing

Good Luck Tom !

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