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Thank Crunchie its friday!

I m up early again but not as early as yesterday

stayed up late emailing fund raising etc, had another IV antibiotics at 12, slept through it was so tired!
more frips today and if I m a good girl I can come home with more oral antibitocs, least we know what to expect next time, as this will happen every time after chemo so we will be ready for the N word !
need to repack my emergency bag, smaller would be a start, packed too much! but I m a girl thats a given right!

Hope my fundraising pages will be up at the weekend, so keep an eye out want to smash the target but not sure what to set as the race for life target?? may do a vote!

been listening to my ipod since 5.15am, found two very good theme tunes, to get me in a friday state of mind

in a mood for a dance off now, Gregs? Mand? H where are ya when I need ya hey! get over to the lister ASAP!

feel so much better today I ll be dancing when the doctors come in, that will freak them out! cancer paitents shouldnt be happy right, well I am, I dont want to be like everyone else!

1 comment:

  1. loads of spelling mistakes,clicked post before spell checked it! I know I know, but its early!
