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todays catch phrase! If its not positive I m Not Involved!!

Saturday day 4 trapped again in isolation for my own benefit I know, trying to think of it as a bonus, own room, a VIP, special treatment, but what I wouldn’t give to get up and walk about , getting cabin fever in here. Time for the ipod therapy, Music makes me feel better, need to update this ipod when I get home, tunes getting boring, I ve put them on shuffle for a variety! Lucky dip time!  Theme tune today is back to my hospital one, you don’t wanna spend the night round here, listened to this over and over last week! Imagining myself fighting and in a pimp wagon shooting Lenny!
I see no point in living life that right, so I just take what I can find.
I see no point in living life that right, when your out here in this jungle.
It's wild round 'ere, you don't wanna spend a night round 'ere.
When your out here in this jungle, aint nothing nice round 'ere, troubles what you find round 'ere.
When your out here in this jungle, in this jungle.
Your always caught in this struggle, in this jungle .
But you keep asking for trouble, you love? You love when trouble comes your way, your way, your way.
Fell asleep really early, sorry if missed any messages, calls and cous Emma, see you today hopefully, missed your text as was asleep by 9.30 ish hence why I m awake now a t 4am!  Can’t wait to get back to my super king size bed!  This small single just isn’t cutting it! And to do my nails, and make makeup and clothes, hate pjs, , look good, fell better I say!  Cant wait to be home and have a bath, no shower here and not allowed out of the room, just a wash! Lovely! Just like a prison cell hey! They probably have a better room than me, this is the doghouse, was like a penthouse in London!
 I need to stay germ free! My neutrophils are low and they are your foot soldiers for your immune system, they return to a normal level by themselves, so get a move on! There isn’t anything I can do to give them a boost but wait! Maybe I need a neutrophil coach to get them in shape! Like Mr Motivator! Hence why I wasn’t allowed home, couldn’t blog or talk last night much as was a misery, sorry for taking it out on you mum, you know I don’t meant it, Love you always
Mandy and Claire tried to cheer me up, googled hair ideas/ bald cover ups! bandanas/scarves, ways to tie scarves etc ready for the ‘fall out’ hair is thinning, hat is at the ready to come home in but lucky I have thick hair to start so maybe it will hang about for a bit longer, just listening to  ironic again! Is someone trying to upset!whip my hair! boody shuffle setting! Well you wont upset me,  I m fighting again today, you won last night but \I m back up and ready for you Lenny, the Bailiffs are coming, pack your bag you beast! You need to leave ( thanks Andrea love that one!!)
need to go shopping, new scarves hats accessories needed! That’s a bonus right, a new wardrobe of accessories, will have to go home sell a shed load of stuff on eBay to make a pot of cash for all this stuff! After chemo I m going to have a huge clear out! Had a look for a short wig to keep Cheryl company would like, a cut like my new one, really like this short hair thing, I can use Cheryl for nights out and the short one for popping out, as Cheryl is a bit long and hot to wear! Short maybe easier!  And scarves for at home as the wig is itchy already and only wore it for a matter of minutes!
This neutropenia thing is harder than I first anticipated, the sore mouth, ulcers gums arrangement is seriously mean, just as I get my appetite back you take away the ability to eat , thanks Lenny, you really are a royal pain! Now that’s Ironic Miss Alanis Morrissette!
So many limitations and that’s just one site, I’ve been doing my homework!
 Have been trying to think of things I can eat ,ice cream, angel delight, milkshake, requirements are to be part of the diet that you must follow the rules and not eat things that may upset your immune system,  but is limited when in hospital, need my own fridge freezer, can’t wait to get home to make my own food choices, the nurses are great here, can’t drink tea or coffee still so Milk is my saving grace at the moment , got a few great suggestions for soft food to fit in with the diet requirements Keith has filled our fridge and cupboards after visiting yesterday. Mum bought me an ice cream which was lovely! Really want a McDonalds milkshake, vanilla! Keith’s mum had those when she was neutropenic and now I see why!   hope I make it out of  here by Monday I need a few days at home before the next battle, got chemo Thursday need to be in tip top condition ready for the ‘hangover’ to start again! And to spend some time alone with my family.
Got my fighters name, but me and Jo aren’t sure how to pronounce it
Jo Scott 25 February at 15:14 Report
i think your fighter name should be Aceso Traceo :)
Aceso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aceso (Ἀκεσώ) was the Greek goddess of the healing process. She was the daughter of Asclepius and Epione, sister of Iaso, Hygieia, Panacea, and Aegle.
Jo Scott 25 February at 16:35 Report
only trouble is i'm not sure how to pronounce it. i was saying it like 'Ace-o Trace-o' but i think it might be pronounced more like 'ass-air-so' with 3 syllables.
could be TrAceso... (trace-air-so) :D
loved that Jo, made me laugh yesterday!
Anyway got my fighters hat on today need to get better to get back to my spingling girl as GG says! Need to get myself a dressing gown, like fighters one, with Team Lyddon Merryweather on the back! Lol, wish name wasn’t so long, going to expensive bet they charge by the letter! Bad luck, should be used to that!bad luck and disappointment been a bit of a them lately!
Need to get home to my bed too! And Ping, least he is off next week so if I feel better we can have a bit of fun before chemo, what to do! Just want to be with him and Lottie, maybe a day out if I m up to it everyone else will be at work, so thats why I was upset about not coming home for the weekend, wanted to spen the time with mum dad and Mandy, after chemo Iwill trapped at home again so can see a few of your smiling faces people! But only germ free visitors! Maybe I can invent a deep cleaner to walk through as you enter the Merryweather household! Like something out of a film!
 That’s my first million pound deal sorted, it’s like fools and horses, this time next year we’ll be millionaires Rodders!!  More millions to follow, we will be in Penthouse by next year Ping, you’ll see, we can turn it around, Lottie will have the best of everything and Mum and Dad and Mandy, treats on  me and my millions! Headscarf thing is my next idea, venture, some for young people! I don’t want to wear something for grannies!
don’t you know I m the incredible healing woman, mum says so, was home after a day after my c section when i had Lottie! Feel like getting dressed today but not sure the Doctor will approve he will think I m trying to escape after my tantrum yesterday! Yeah I had small paddy, few rants and bit of stomping around, gave  myself a good talking to and 31 minutes on the naughty step!
The strong,
The mighty. The forces of evil can never destroy,
The power of the wonder man,
And although the most formidable journey lies ahead,
Only one will pro-vale,
Wonder, Wonder, Wonder man. (Wonder man)

Uh yeah, these haters couldn't get to where I am with a full tank of petrol,
Good them tune, wonder woman though, haven’t had a sex change, been in hospital a while and will be bald soon but that’s a step too far!
I m over the tantrum now J got the fight to get back to, no time for tantrums, more fund raising business to get back to, had the afternoon off yesterday to make way for a tantrum, cross about that, and could have been getting organised for the hundred jobs I need to do before chemo ,Round 2 of the fight! Need to get this grant sorted hopefully for a laptop as cant borrow mums forever, as then I can’t speak to her over Skype etc , think is time for the lists, head is full of things to do! Must get them all written down! More books, more lists, this is like a full time job! Although I did prefer being a mum and my old job! Miss work, mad isn’t it,  the people element, was supposed to go to see them had it all planned, outfit, new hair to show them, I thought I can do this, show them it won’t beat me...then along came the N word L spoilt that too, never mind, will have to show off Cheryl instead!
Fantasy bashy, on the ipod,
·          if its not positive I m not involved! Love that statement going to keep saying that one that one today!  Howard, reckon you would love that,” things only change if the mindset changes”, “one team ONE DREAM!!!” we need a few new ones, that’s your homework H!  Its 5.56, been ranting and goggling links for hours, need t get on now and get up and try think about what to eat... and wash my hair before it departs on its vacation, because it will be back! Like Arnold Schwarzenegger !

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